Wet and Puffy Model Rebeca
Biography for:



Nationality: Czech Republic

Age: 21

Breast size: A

Weight: 50 kg / 110 lbs

Height: 167 cm / 5' 6"

Content from Rebeca

Taking A Golden Shower Girl: Rebeca 4K HD + BTS Cute European babe Rebeca appears in our latest scene on Wet and Pissy and this slim babe shows off her figure in tight grey leggings and a red cropped top. Rebeca bends over the dining table and suddenly starts peeing her pants as we zoom in on the piss stream, trickling down her legs. She touches herself and sucks her fingers then strips out of her leggings to suck them. Rebeca sits down on the table and masturbates, fingering her wet pussy. Once she is completely naked, this blonde hottie places her cropped top on the table and releases another stream all over her outift. She mops up her pee and squeezes it down over her naked body then bends over again to toy her pussy with a fist dildo. Rebeca places it on the table and fires a powerful pee stream over it before getting hold of a glass vase which she places on the ground, filling it up as much as she can with her golden streams. She pours it into her mouth and spits it down over her small tits then gives herself a nice warm golden shower to finish her pissing porn video!
Dec 10, 2019

Content from Rebeca in our other sites

Festive Frolick - Wetandpuffy Girl: Rebeca Time: 19:04 Merry Christmas from all of us here at Wet and Puffy! Blonde babe Rebeca is in the lounge and dressed in a playful little Christmas outfit! She kneels on a red chair and takes off her robe before she squeezes her tiny tits together, pulling down her bra to reveal her small nipples! She takes it off completely then bends over on the chair to touch her puffy pussy and pull her candy cane striped panties inbetween her lips. She slips a hand inside her panties and masturbates, then once she is naked, naughty Rebeca takes some pussy clamps from under the Christmas tree and clips them to her juicy cherry lips. She fingers herself before standing up to let the metal clips dangle from her labia then takes them off to lick them clean. Using a suction pump, this horny hottie pumps her pussy and enjoys the sensation as her juicy puffy pussy slides up the tube. She soon moves onto a big blue dildo which she uses to fill her pussy in all sorts of positions while masturbating at the same time. Rebeca gives herself the gift of an orgasm this Christmas!
Dec 25, 2019
Hidden Agenda - Wetandpuffy Girl: Rebeca Time: 23:01 Gorgeous babe Rebeca is back on Wet and Puffy for another scene and this sexy babe teases in a cropped top and miniskirt. She gets down onto the floor and kneels before pulling down her tank top to tease her nipples. Rebeca knows how to tease and as she turns around and bends over we notice something hanging down underneath her skirt. This naughty babe has pussy clip attached to her labia and isn't wearing any panties! Rebeca strips naked and left in just her red patent stilettos, she lays down on the couch and pulls at her pussy clip, repositionining it to spread her puffy pussy lips apart. She starts to masturbate and suddenly decides to use a nipple pump on her pussy while laying upside down. Rebeca stands up and continues her pussy pumping fun, licking the edge clean and then bends over to slide a fist shaped dildo up inside her juicy puffy pussy! She gets more comfortable and furiously fucks herself with this sex toy while masturbating to give herself a shuddering and enjoyable orgasm!
Mar 27, 2019
Rebeca Pumps Her Pussy - Wetandpuffy Girl: Rebeca Time: 22:34 Stunning leggy babe Rebeca Smile is in the office but she can't concentrate. She decides to put on a bit of a tease as she bends over the desk and then sits on the chair while lifting up her dress to show off her perfect ass in her g-string. She wastes little time in stripping to reveal her black lingerie and plays with her nipples before sliding her hands into her panties and teasing her wet puffy pussy. She pulls her panties up inside her pussy and pulls at her pussy lips, then as she stands up she pulls down her panties. She relaxes and uses a pump to suck on her puffy pussy lips, making them nice and swollen then licks the glass tube clean, tasting her own juices. She seems very excited to see a beaded sex toy and slides it up inside her hole before licking it then carries on with her sex toy play. This stunning blonde absolutely loves pleasuring her pussy and lays on the rug as she masturbates at the same time as shoving her dildo inside herself. Once Rebeca has orgasmed, she licks her toy clean for one last time and looks very satisfied as she looks into the camera!
Sep 4, 2017
Danielle & Rebeca - Simplyanal Girl: Rebeca Time: 32:30 In this week's update on Simply Anal, we have stunning babes Danielle and Rebeca who are ready to have some fun! These hot blondes kiss while getting intimate with each other in the bedroom and they start to undress each other. Rebeca helps Danielle to strip from her blue lingerie and gropes at her tits while kissing her neck then Rebeca bends over in a doggystyle position while Danielle rims her tight ass. She puts her fingers in Rebeca's mouth and gets her to taste herself. Rebeca of course returns the favour and rims Danielle's ass frantically, enjoying her taste on her tongue. Using an egg sex toy, Rebeca teases Danielle by getting her to lick it and then inserts it into her ass slowly, one egg at a time. Rebeca gets her turn with the same sex toy and we zoom in really close as it is inserted and is pulled out of her ass. This lesbian anal play scene continues as they move onto a glass dildo which they enjoy using and Rebeca masturbates furiously as she is ass fucked hard by Danielle. Both girls enjoy orgasms during their anal play which makes for a very horny lesbian anal scene!
Aug 24, 2017
Ivana & Rebeca - Simplyanal Girl: Rebeca Time: 31:49 While watching porn on her phone, Ivana gets caught by her redhead girlfriend, Rebecca and the two start to kiss in the office. Ivana enjoys licking Rebecca's ass and fingering it before they switch over and take part in even more ass rimming! Fingers are just the start of their lesbian ass play fun as they move onto dildos too - and Ivana forces Rebecca to suck it clean after it's been in her tight ass! Using a double ended dildo then moving onto something a little thicker, we get some amazing closeup action of Rebecca's ass being penetrated as she uses a magic wand against her pussy. Both girls enjoy their ass play and finish this horny scene by licking their sex toys clean and kissing even more!
Aug 11, 2016
Pretty Little Rebeca - Weliketosuck Girl: Rebeca Time: 25:04 Gorgeous Rebeca is waiting for her man to return from his trip with a bottle of wine and once he appears they share a glass before she decides she can't wait any longer and start to remove his clothes. This naughty redhead takes his cock into her mouth and is absolutely gagging for it, so once she is naked, Rebeca bends over and gets fucked doggystyle. Going from pussy to mouth, Rebeca gets fucked hard before enjoying some hard anal fucking too! Not many girls will take a cock from ass to mouth, but this hottie licks his cock clean and takes a sticky load of cum on her chin!
Dec 26, 2015
Rebeca - Wetandpuffy Girl: Rebeca Time: 29:51 Even though it's hot and sticky in the Summer heat, newcomer teen Rebeca decides that she wants to film her first ever nude scene. This cute freckled teen strips from her outfit to show us her sheer panties which barely cover her trimmed pussy. You can see right through them! Her pussy lips wrap around them and then Rebeca takes them off to stretch her labia wide apart. She experiments with a metal speculum for the first time before toying herself with a banana shaped sex toy! She certainly enjoys every minute until she orgasms.
Sep 11, 2015

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