Wet and Puffy Model Gaby
Biography for:



Nationality: Netherlands

Age: 19

Hair color: Black

Breast size: B

Weight: 48 kg / 105 lbs

Height: 170 cm / 5' 7"

Content from Gaby

Gaby Girl: Gaby HD There is just something about a girl with dark brown hair and hungry looking eyes that is very exciting, especially when she is horny and naked. No man can resist such a sight when he has it right before his eyes. That is the very reason why you should give Gaby some of your undivided attention. She is a very thin and lovely young thing that loves to spray piss and one that you won’t mind making the effort for. She has fair skin and a good pair of tits. But the best feature is probably her juicy pussy lips. You will love watching how wet they get when she is unleashing her pee all over the bathroom and shower floor.
Jun 15, 2012

Content from Gaby in our other sites

The Senses - Wetandpuffy Girl: Gaby Time: 20:13 Gaby is having a lazy afternoon lying in bed in her sheer black lingerie. She gets up leaning back on her elbows and debates on whether to get up or not. But the fabric against her hard nipple starts to really turn her on. So she rubs her tits and then just has to strip and finger her pussy. Still horny as hell she reaches for her pump and places it on her twat moaning as she feels her pussy getting puffy! But now her fingers won’t be enough so she grabs her pink dildo and stuffs it up her pussy! And before she can orgasm she stops and pumps up her pussy some more, and then it’s back to fucking herself with her dildo. I guess she’ll probably stay in bed a little longer!
Apr 13, 2013
Gaby Hot - Wetandpuffy Girl: Gaby Time: 18:18 Gaby Hot is in a rather frisky mood today, working at herself with her fingers slipping between her lovely cameltoe pussy. She is sweet and sensual as she works at her body, knowing that she's going to end up getting herself off over and over again with her favorite toys. She just loves when she can split that perfect pussy in two and fuck herself silly. Once she's finished up on herself, she's going to look up at the camera with the most blissful look in her eyes.
May 17, 2012

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